Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Third Life of Grange Copeland

Grange Copeland, is a sharecropper who beats his wife, Margaret, and has an extramarital affair with a prostitute named Josie. His son, Brownfield Copeland, is a child whose father abandons him and who's mother commits suicide. 

I Am

I am a deeply conflicted and struggling tenant farmer 
I wonder what the future will be like 
I hear 
I see the bus that takes me to work in the morning
I want to feel free from harm
I am a deeply conflicted and struggling tenant farmer 
I pretend that everything going on is fine 
I feel the presence of god
I touch my wife's soft hair
I worry about the future
I cry for my now-grown-up son
I am a deeply conflicted and struggling tenant farmer 
I understand the situation going on here in family
I say oh lord
I dream for a fair future
I try to be hopeful
I hope to be happy
I am a deeply conflicted and struggling tenant farmer.


"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strengh to perserve and endure in spite of overwhel ming obstacles" ----  Christopher Reeve
This quote talks about how you don't need super powers to be a hero. A hero is not just someone with powers that saves the day its someone that gets used to his surroundings and builds up the strength enough to go through hard times when your strength is mostly needed.
I would agree with this quote because it is true because there will be a certain point in your life where all you have is your strength and noting else. So it would be something i would agree with.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Class, race, sexuality, gender and all other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other need to be excavated from inside. This means that society judges you by what you look like and what you do. This quote is correct because is like society today, they look at you and they will judge you without even knowing you. This can be clearly seen in the book "The Third Life of Garage Copeland" because Brownfiled is judged and discriminated because he's a African-American and they think less of him. Brownfiled tried to fit in society but he could because of his skin color.